October 28, 2022
One day conference to educate lay and professional caregivers about caregiving related issues and chronic conditions. The attendees will learn about New IDEAS study -- including diverse participants and supported by the Alzheimer's Association and the American College of Radiology on mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia. At least 4,000 of the projected 7,000 New IDEAS participants will be Black or African American and Hispanic or Latino. The New Ideas study will examine brain amyloid positron emission tomography (PET) scans in diverse populations with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia.
Target Audience
- Allied Health Professionals
- Nurses
Learning Objectives
- Learn the "Current science and research on Alzheimer's Disease" to knowledge of the updated science in order to apply the new findings in their care for Alzheimer's patients
- Learn how NC State laws and regulations impact caregiver sustainability and long-term care (what can be expected for the future of long-term care?)
- Learn the benefits of boundaries how it is actually kinder to have (and stick to) them.
- JA Credit - AH
Available Credit
- 6.00 ANCC
- 6.00 Attendance
- 0.60 IACET CEU
- 6.00 JA Credit - AH