"Curious Case
Hemolytic Anemia"
Gow Arepally, MD, MS
Associate Professor of Medicine, Duke Division of Hematology
Feature Talk:
Laura Musselwhite, MD, MPH
Duke Heme/Onc Fellow

Note, this is a CME Category 1 accredited conference. You must have registered in the Duke ETHOSCE webportal (click link for ETHOS) to receive CME credit for your attendance - whether remote or in person. During the conference, a unique code will be made available (please watch your WebEx Chat window), and each participant can receive credit by texting that code to 919-213-8033. 

The conference will be held in
Duke North Room 2003, and we offer remote participation via webcast (WebEx). Click “join the meeting” below to participate.




Duke Health Hematology Case Conference w/Dr. Ara Metjian,
Duke North Rm 2003

Every Tuesday

8am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)  |  1 hr


Meeting number (access code): 733 944 400


Meeting password: hemecase


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Duke North Room 2003
2301 Erwin Road
Durham, NC 27701
United States
Session date: 
06/19/2018 - 8:00am to 9:00am EDT

Please login or register to take this course.
Room Number: 
Duke North Room 2003
Speaker Name: 
Vignette: Gow Arepally, MD; Featured Talk: Laura Musselwhite, MD, MPH