Request Credit based on the Target Audience (Learner Type) of the CE Activity

Credit request, planning committee & target audience must match (for example: if asking for nursing credit, a nurse must be on committee and part of the target audience, if asking for pharmacy credit, a pharmacist must be on committee and part of the target audience, etc…).

Credit awarded is determined by the CE office according to application details and accrediting agency standards and guidelines.

  • All CE Credit Types (except for IACET CEU), are awarded in 1.0 increments per educational hour (1 hour of educational material = 1.0 Credit)
  • IACET CEU is awarded in .10 increments per educational hour (1 hour of educational material = 0.1 CEU -  or 10 hours of educational material to = 1.0 CEU)      

*Learners are responsible for assuring credits meet regulatory requirements for their licensing and accreditation needs.

Credit Types by Learner




