To register for Ultrapath XVII you must set up a profile with a valid ID/Password on the Duke CME Portal.

If you do NOT have a profile for the Duke CME Portal.

  • You will need to register with Duke CME Portal and establish an ID/password. This link will open in a separate browser window.  Note that fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
  • To confirm your registration the Duke CME Portal will send a confirmation notice to your email address. Open this email message and click on the confirmation link.
  • The confirmation link will return you to the Duke CME Portal where you may enter and confirm a password for that system.  At this point you may close the Duke CME Portal browser window(s).
  • Keep a record of the ID/password. If you register for CME credit you will need to complete the certification process using the Duke CME Portal.
  • Now that you have a ID/Password for the Duke CME Portal (note that the registration/confirmation process does not log you in to the system), you may proceed to the following step.

If you already have a profile for the Duke CME EthosCE system:

  • Login to the Duke CME EthosCE system.  This link will open in a separate browser window. Once you have logged in, you will be redirected to the Ultrapath XVII registration page on the Duke CME site where you can register for the conference, CME credits, Tuesday and Thursday tours, and/or companion options.
  • After registering for the conference, you may return to the previous step at a later time to register for the tour and/or companion options. You must do this if you wish to use different payment methods for the conference, tours, and/or companion options.
  • Be sure to switch back to this window and make your reservations at the Inn on the Biltmore Estate.



Participants seeking CME: $775 until May 12th, 2014. $825 after the early registration discount expiresSelect the option below Registration CME credits requested

Participants not seeking CME credit: $725 until May 12th, 2014. $775 after the early registration discount expiresSelect the option below Registration with No CME credits needed 

Trainees: Pathologists in training may register at a discounted price of $650.  To receive the discount your user profile Learner Type must be set to Resident or Fellow, as appropriate.  Please select Registration with No CME credits needed option below

Fees Include: all scientific sessions, opening reception,morning and afternoon breaks and lunches during meetings, and closing banquet. Tours not included. You can add the tour and companion options on the registration pages for activities with CME and No CME.

If you have any questions about your account or registration, please Click Here for Support.

For more details on the conference please visit: <>



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