5th Annual Duke O'Brien Center for Kidney Research Symposium
Durham, NC US
June 29, 2017
This activity is designed for primary care physicians and other medical specialists who manage patients with kidney and cardiovascular diseases and those in basic science research related to kidney and cardiovascular diseases. The curriculum will focus on enabling healthcare professionals and basic science researchers to recognize how the Duke O’Brien Center for Kidney Research is positioned to establish the framework for innovative studies and collaborations to advance the treatment of kidney and cardiovascular diseases.
Target Audience
Learning Objectives
- Review the epidemiology of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).
- Describe what is currently known regarding risk factors for CKD.
- Review the bidirectional associations of CKD with heart disease and congestive heart failure.
- Describe novel risk factors for CKD in African Americans.
- Discuss CKD, APOL1, and ethics of genetic testing for new CKD risk factors.
- Understand how glucose levels influence protein glycosylation in podocytes in diabetes.
- Recognize the role of nutrient-sensing glycosylation and Nrf2 activation in regulation of cell stress responses.
- Become familiar with regulatory interactions of glycosylation, Cul3 complex adaptor protein, and Nrf2.
- Describe the mechanisms involved in endothelial quiescence and vascular homeostasis.
- Summarize the role of the endothelial scaffolding protein Caskin2 in maintenance of vascular homeostasis.
- Identify mechanisms of HIV-related kidney disease.
- Identify mechanisms by which FAT10 promotes inflammation and cellular injury.
- Identify how aldosterone regulates salt transport along the nephron.
- Recognize how the balance of aldosterone effects on transporters influences the clinical phenotypes of primary aldosterone.
- Identify the role of potassium balance in renal salt retention.
- Explain regulation of phosphate homeostasis in health and in CKD.
- Explain effects of FGF23 in health and in CKD.
- Explain the relationships between iron homeostasis and FGF23 in health and in CKD.
Duke Health System
Trent Seamans Center
Great Hall
Durham, NC
United States
Mary Foster, MD
Laura Svetkey, MD
Steven Crowley, MD
Robert Spurney, MD
Susan Gurley, MD, PhD
Elizabeth Hauser, PhD
Eric Peterson, MD
Howard Rockman, MD
3.75 hours
Available Credit
- 3.75 Attendance
- 3.75 JA Credit - AH