September 13, 2024

The Advanced Emergency Procedures Simulation Course teaches emergency and critical care medicine practitioners essential skills for the diagnosis and treatment of critical conditions. This one-day course allows participants to gain hands-on experience in rare but vital procedures. Course Objectives: To become technically proficient in performing a variety of procedures relevant to the scope and practice of emergency medicine and critical care, including: • Inserting a transvenous pacemaker for symptomatic bradycardia and selecting appropriate settings • Performing a surgical airway • Performing a pericardiocentesis using ultrasound guidance • Performing advanced point-of-care cardiac ultrasound • Performing thoracentesis and paracentesis using ultrasound guidance • Performing ultrasound-guided regional nerve blocks • Performing peritonsillar abscess drainage • Performing flexiblelaryngoscopy and intubation

Target Audience


Learning Objectives

For each core procedural skills (listed below), the learner should:

• Define the indications, contraindications, risks, equipment, and techniques for the procedure

• Perform the procedure in a simulated setting

• Evaluate their performance of the procedure under the guidance of an experienced board-certified emergency physician

The selected skills are:

• Inserting a transvenous pacemaker for symptomatic bradycardia and selecting appropriate settings

• Performing a surgical airway

• Performing a pericardiocentesis using ultrasound guidance

• Performing advanced point-of-care cardiac ultrasound

• Performing a thoracentesis using ultrasound guidance

•Performing a paracentesis using ultrasound guidance

• Performing ultrasound-guided regional nerve blocks

• Performing peritonsillar abscess drainage

• Performing flexible laryngoscopy

Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 8.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)
  • 8.00 Attendance
Registration Opens: 
Registration Expires: 
Activity Starts: 
09/13/2024 - 8:00am EDT
Activity Ends: 
09/13/2024 - 5:00pm EDT
Durham, NC
United States

Joshua Broder

Jessica Robertson

Cathleen Bury, MD

Christopher Nash, MD

Kendrick Kennedy

Lindsey White

Brandon Ruderman

Shawn Sethi

Timothy Peterson

Sreeja Natesan

Stephen Shaheen

Ajay Kohli

JJ Hoff

Aubree Anderson

Samuel Francis

Erin Leiman

Kevin Gurysh

Jessica Wanthal

Megan Rivera

Evangeline Arulraja



AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s), Attendance 

Available Credit

  • 8.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)
  • 8.00 Attendance


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