November 1, 2024

Dr. Sun and Dr. Pollak will be training clinicians that consent to participate in the Co-Lead Study. We will provide the clinicians intervention in-person or virtually and will include didactics, demonstration, and practice that include two hour-long sessions one month apart. Didactics: We will give an overview of the prevalence of medication nonadherence and its impact on clinical outcomes and healthcare disparities in SLE. We will examine the impact of race and other social determinants on medication adherence. We will illustrate common barriers patients face in taking SLE medications, with a focus on barriers related to beliefs, attitudes, preferences, and discrimination experienced by Black patients. We will review available resources to address a variety of barriers with a focus on improving patient-clinician communication and relationship. • Demonstration: We will demonstrate how to use pharmacy refill data in EMR and the DOSE- Nonadherence-SLE questionnaire to monitor and prepare for a dialogue about SLE medication nonadherence during a patient encounter. We will discuss effective patient-centered communication techniques incorporating elements of motivational interviewing to allow clinicians to better engage with patients and align recommendations with patients’ goals. These communication skills will include validation (statement normalizing missing doses and difficulties patients face in taking medications consistently), empathic statements (acknowledgement of patient emotion), affirmation (statement recognizing patient’s good behaviors or strengths observed), open-ended questions, and teach-back (verifying patient understands the plan). We will review talking points for barriers that disproportionately impact Black patients, the EMR SmartPhrase, and resource handouts developed for each site. • Practice: Clinicians will practice having a medication nonadherence discussion with another clinician in the intervention arm and give each other feedback after the practice. This will help clinicians to familiarize with Surescripts pharmacy refill data and the content of the DOSE-Nonadherence-SLE questionnaire, and resource handouts, identify questions to address during the workshop, increase confidence in conducting the intervention, and gain empathy role-playing as the patient. CO-LEAD team members will observe and give feedback to clinicians in real time

Target Audience


Nurse Practitioners


Physician Assistants

Learning Objectives

 Reviewing importance of medication adherence for patients with SLE 

Discussing reasons for nonadherence, considering social determinants of health and racial differences in those reasons

Demonstrating the CO-LEAD intervention to improve adherence for SLE with role play the adherence discussion

Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)
  • 2.00 Attendance
  • 2.00 JA Credit - AH
Registration Opens: 
Registration Expires: 
Activity Starts: 
11/01/2024 - 10:30am EDT
Activity Ends: 
11/01/2024 - 11:30am EDT

AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)

JA Credit - AH

Available Credit

  • 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)
  • 2.00 Attendance
  • 2.00 JA Credit - AH
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