DRH Pharmacy Residency Advisory Committee Preceptor Development
November 11, 2024 to November 12, 2024
DRH Residency Advisory Committee (RAC) is the group of pharmacists involved in training our 3 pharmacy residents annually. This program will be conducted over 2 afternoons to discuss topics relevant to preceptor and residency program development. Topics we will touch on include: Discussing residency requirements & overview, updating the academic professional record (APR), overcoming preceptor burnout, AI, Giving Feedback & Managing Resident Expectations/Deadlines, and Precepting pearls learned from the ASHP national precepting conference. 2-day session 11/11/24 1-4pm 11/12/24 1-4pm
Target Audience
Learning Objectives
- Discussing all required pharmacy residency learning experiences and the activities required within each experience.
- Evaluating the alignment of required resident activities with ASHP Accreditation Standards in preparation for the 2025 reaccreditation survey.
- Identifying and discussing effective strategies to enhance the learning experience for DRH pharmacy residents.
- Examining methods to prevent and mitigate preceptor burnout, ensuring a supportive and sustainable learning environment.
Manali Patel
Stephanie Karvosky
ACPE - Pharmacist
Available Credit
- 6.00 ACPE - Pharmacist
- 6.00 Attendance