"EFT is a mind-body-spirit self-care approach which involves tapping on acupuncture points while repeating emotionally-charged statements that relate to specific health issues, often referred to as acupressure for the emotions. It is an evidence-based method that has been shown in several dozen randomized controlled trials to be effective for a variety of conditions including anxiety, weight loss and food cravings, depression, PTSD, phobias, pain, and other physical symptoms. As a form of energy psychology, EFT addresses the root energetic imbalances that result from trauma and other emotional stressors. This one-day workshop will explore EFT as an evidence-based technique for practitioners to utilize in addressing the physical symptoms of grief, food cravings, physical illnesses, chronic pain and autoimmune diseases. This workshop includes an extensive experiential component featuring group tapping exercises and individual tapping demonstrations to allow health practitioners the dedicated space to practice EFT in use with their patients/clients. EFT will be combined with breathwork, imagery, and movement.
Target Audience
- Allied Health Professionals
- Medical Students
- Nurses
- Nurse Practitioners
- Physicians
- Physician Assistants
Learning Objectives
- Exploring EFT as an evidence-based approach to addressing the physical symptoms of grief, food cravings, physical illnesses, chronic pain, and autoimmune diseases.
- Focusing on grief related to the loss of loved ones, pets, jobs, and relationships, and associated physical symptoms such as sinusitis, postnasal drip, and lung disease.
- Discussing EFT for weight loss addressing food cravings, emotional origins of weight gain, and barriers to achieving weight loss goals with principles applicable to other forms of addiction.
- Exploring EFT for chronic pain syndromes including frozen shoulder and neck and back pain.
- Discussing EFT for symbolic physical illnesses including autoimmune such as MS, ALS, interstitial cystitis, and chronic urticaria and frozen shoulder using somatic metaphors for healing.
- Exploring guided and independent practice of EFT techniques for work with patients/clients.
Fleurztael Duckworth, M.D.
Larry Burk, M.D.
Janet Thrasher, RN
Janet K Shaffer
- AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)
- JA Credit - AH
Available Credit
- 4.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™
- 4.50 ANCC
- 4.50 Attendance
- 0.45 IACET CEU
- 4.50 JA Credit - AH