Post-Activity Evaluation
As a result of attending this activity, I am better able to:
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
Recognize the advantages and disadvantages of current commercially available urine tests for bladder cancer
Explain appropriate selection of patients for cytoreductive nephrectomy
Examine the role of resection of metastatic disease (metastasectomy) in multidisciplinary care of advanced RCC
Review minimally invasive options for Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer
Assess innovative techniques for treating BPH in the office and operating room
Competence is defined as the ability to apply knowledge, skills and judgement in practice (knowing how to do something). Joint Accreditation required us to analyze changes in learner' knowledge/competence, skills/strategies, performance, or patient outcomes.
YesNoNo Change
This activity increased my knowledge/competence.
This activity increased my skills/strategy.
This activity improved my performance.
This activity will improve my patient outcomes.