Please Join Us For. . . .






FRIDAY, April 21, 2017


8:00- 9:00 A.M

4020 N. Roxboro Rd, Large Conference Room - 2nd Floor



"Racial/Ethnic and Socioeconomic Inequities in Sleep Health”

Chandra L. Jackson, PhD, MS


Through attendance at this session participants will be able to establish if: 


  • 1. Understand how suboptimal sleep across the lifespan contributes to poor health.
  • 2. Identify social, behavioral, and biological factors that lead to poor sleep health.
  • 3. Understand modifiable factors that contribute to disparities in sleep and subsequent risk of cardio metabolic dysfunction.



To attend meeting online:


Topic: Duke Children's Primary Care CME

Date: The 3rd Friday of every 1 months, from Friday, January 18, 2013 to no end date

Time: 7:45 am, Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00)

Meeting Number: 732 145 473

Meeting Password: aaaa





To join the online meeting (Now from mobile devices!)


1. Go to

2. If requested, enter your name and email address.

3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: aaaa

4. Click "Join".


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To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the meeting, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-855-244-8681

Call-in toll number (US/Canada): 1-650-479-3207

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Access code: 732 145 473






Duke Children's Primary Care Clinic
4020 N. Roxboro Street
Durham, NC 27704
United States
Session date: 
04/21/2017 - 8:00am to 9:00am EDT

Please login or register to take this course.
Room Number: 
Speaker Name: 
Chandra L. Jackson, PhD, MS