
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

1.       Describe the burden and features of Uveitis

2.       Explain what an OCT is and why one is performed

3.       Recognize the lack of specific objective findings of inflammation within the eye

4.       Appreciate the principles and observations on which we have based our hypothesis

5.       Explain the selection of subjects and methodology for this project

6.       Understand how our findings and future work in this field may lead to improved care of patients with Inflammatory Eye Disease

Duke South 3rd Floor Conference Room (purple zone)
200 Trent Drive
Durham, NC 27710
United States
Session date: 
05/24/2016 - 8:00am to 9:00am EDT

Please login or register to take this course.
Room Number: 
Speaker Name: 
Dr. Nicholas Holdgate