Learning Objectives: 

Part 1:

1.) Identify opportunities to improve patient care through analysis of care processes and systems. 

2.) Discuss improvement of the protocols for transfer center and outside hospital calls. 

3.) Discuss expectations of the fellows and staff when triaging and managing these calls. 

Part 2:

1.) Recognize that medication toxicity lab monitoring during the pandemic is a problem. 

2.) Describe our patient population and aims.

3.) Describe how we gathered information on the issue of medication toxicity lab monitoring. 

4.) Describe how we plan to improve outcomes. 

5. Review the EASY project. 




 Location: virtual (by Zoom only)
Directions: If you are having trouble accessing WebEx, please contact Isaac Smith at isaac.smith063@duke.edu

Streaming: Yes, via Zoom Link: https://duke.zoom.us/s/95124015044 

Meeting Number/Access Code: 951 2401 5044  (you will not need this if you use link above)

Call-in number: 1-301-715-8592

Session date: 
04/27/2021 - 8:00am to 9:00am EDT

Please login or register to take this course.
Room Number: 
Speaker Name: 
Part 1: Dr. Cassy Sims Part 2: Drs. Aki Udupa and David Leverenz