Learning Objectives: 

  1. Assessment of patients in the multidisciplinary uveitis clinic
  2. Decisions on immunomodulatory therapy (IMT) initiation in the multidisciplinary uveitis clinic
  3. Recognition of ocular markers of disease activity and response to treatment

Disclosures: None


Location: Virtually on WebEx
Directions: If you are having trouble accessing WebEx, please contact Cassy Sims at cas206@duke.edu 

Streaming: Via WebEx. Link: https://dukemed.webex.com/dukemed/j.php?MTID=m57511734eb4f3e4f0423f94de8a7eb34 

Meeting Number/Access Code: 120-459-7417 (you will not need this if you use link above)

Call-in number: 1-650-479-3207

Session date: 
09/28/2021 - 8:00am to 9:00am EDT

Please login or register to take this course.
Room Number: 
Speaker Name: 
Dr. Dilraj Grewal and Lisa Carnago